+49 911 23980-870

Insert Record

Insert one or more elements to be recorded and duplicated throughout any other page on your website.

Item-ID: 07-023

 Step by step guide  Screen adaption

Step by step guide

Create Insert record

  • Click the +Content button and select the Insert Record element under the Widgets tab.

Select content element

  • In the records section, after clicking on either the page Content or the folder button, the record selection window will open.
  • First, expand the target page in the page tree, if needed.
  • To select specific content items, click on the boxed arrow to the left of the Page icon of your target page. 
  • A list view of the content elements located on the target page will open. Click on your desired element. Scroll until the end to make sure you can click on the respective element.

Manage the content elements

  • You can attach as many elements as you want to an insert record element.
  • After closing the record selection, you will see the list of elements you selected.
  • To change the order in which the elements are displayed in the frontend use the arrow buttons on the right to move them or the trash button if you'd like to delete them.
  • Save your changes.


Name the Insert Record

  • In the area name (not visible in the website) you can add the inserted record's proper name.
  • An element name helps you to assign the element in the backend within a list view. Unnamed elements are displayed with [No title] by default.
  • After saving, you can also see which inserted elements are in the Insert Record.

Screen adaption

The Insert Record duplicates the content elements you have chosen only once.

Responsive Design: This element copies the elements that you’ve inserted regardless of the display screen.

Worth noting:  Any changes made to the original element, will also happen to the insert record element. This makes  the use of the Insert Record element particularly suitable if you want to display the same element identically several times on your website. Rather than having to keep copying an element the Insert Record element allows you to just make one change and have the changes appear seamlessly. This is also true even if you just copy the insert record element. However, when deleting the original element, it may be necessary  to check any references and delete them as well.

Tip: As an intermediate step, we advise naming content elements with a short description so that you can find them easily in the backend for quick editing. As elements don't have a name by default, you can find all information on how to edit the name of an element.