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Social Media Bar

With the Social Media Bar, you can include in either the content area or the footer of your website the icons of the  social media sites your company is active on. The icons will appear  automatically if the link is operational.

Sample view Step by step guide Screen adaption

Sample view

Social Media Bar in the content area

Social Media Bar

Social Media Bar in the footer

Step by step guide

Whether you want to place the social media bar in the content area of a page or in the footer;  you’ll have  to create a new content element. The links to your corresponding profiles should be accessible prior to the creation of the social media bar. The links can be set in the module bar under »toujou Theme« in the »Social Media« tab.

Create a Social Media Bar

  • Click the +Content button to create a new element in the content area of the page. 
  • Select the Social Media Bar element in the Widgets tab. A new pop-up window will open.

Edit your settings

  • Create a heading in the »Headline« field with any name you desire.
  • To choose links not listed in the »Theme« settings, switch from »Theme« to »Custom« in the »Source« drop-down menu and enter other links.
  • Save the settings.

Screen adaption

The social media bar can be integrated in the editorial part of a page alongside other elements. But it is only possible to customize the footer with a certain number of icons of the individual social media channels. When including external HTML content, such as links to social media channels, be sure to follow the consent guidelines. 

To get a frame around this element, you have to put a headline in the corresponding field. With toujou, the social media bar links your respective profiles to the links set in the toujou setup automatically. If you would like different links to social media, i.e. for a campaign page, you can modify the desired links in the »source« field with the »custom« option.

To change the color of the border, heading and links (without mouseover) go to the dropdown menu »Element Design«.